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Pre-Order Products

Order Information

Please choose product quantity and fill the form.

1. Product Quantity

  1. Book - Fasting & Prayer -
    No. of Book/s:
  2. Ukumfuna uNkulunkulu / Seeking God
    No. of Book:
  3. Uyini Umuntu?
    CD: or DVD:
  4. Uhamba Nobani?
    CD: or DVD:
  5. First Things First
    CD: or DVD:
  6. Ingxubevange
    CD: or DVD:
  7. Jesus Calms The Storm
    CD: or DVD:
  8. If It Is You Lord
    CD: or DVD:
  9. The Just Shall Live By Faith
    CD: or DVD:
  10. Enter Into God’s Rest
    CD: or DVD:
  11. Trials & Temptations
    CD: or DVD:
  12. Ubhaphathizelwe Kuphi?
    No. of CD/s:
  13. The Year of Jubilee
    No. of CD/s:
  14. Wondliwa Ubani?
    No. of CD/s:
  15. Today You May Eat
    No. of CD/s:
  16. Ukubaluleka Komnikelo
    No. of CD/s: or DVD:
  17. Hlala Ebungcweleni
    No. of CD/s: or DVD:
  18. Umkhiwane
    No. of CD/s: or DVD:
  19. The Spirit of God
    No. of CD/s or DVD:
  20. Inkazimulo
    No. of CD/s: or DVD:
  21. Lay Yourself Down
    No. of CD/s:
  22. Word of Prophecy
    No. of CD/s
  23. Passover Saturday Mid-Day Service by Pastor J Msipha Part 1
    No. of CD/s:
  24. Passover Saturday Mid-Day Service by Pastor J Msipha Part 2
    No. of CD/s:
  25. 12 Blessings of Seeking God
    No. of CD/s:
  26. Onqobayo
    No. of CD/s:
  27. Open Heaven
    No. of CD/s:
  28. Ukukholwa
    No. of CD/s:
  29. Baleka noMtwana
    No. of CD:
  30. Zindaba Zini
    No. of CD/s:

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